Merit Bars

DeMolay's are eligible to acquire points from the day they receive the Initiatory Degree until they become 21 years old
  • It will become the responsibility of the DeMolay to track, record and apply (on the proper form) his Merit bar awards
  • The categories in which Merit Bars are awarded through DeMolay International are athletic, attendance, civic service, conclave, fine art, fund-raising, installing, journalism, correspondence course, masonic attendance, masonic service, membership, merit, priory, religion, scholastic, visitation and ritual.
  • Each Merit Bar is produced in five (5) colors. Each color designates the number of times a DeMolay has received a bar in that category.
    1. White
    2. Red
    3. Blue
    4. Purple
    5. Gold
  • The advisory board through the Dad-in-charge of merit bars will be responsible for acquiring and distribution of merit bars
  • The previous level of merit bar must be returned to the Dad-in-charge with the application for the next level of achievement.

Merit Bar Record

© 2024 Region One DeMolay | 27 Liberty Drive North Billerica, MA 01862 | 978-869-5132 | All Rights Reserved
This website acknowledges authority and yields allegiance to the International Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay, of which Frank S. Land was founder.